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Good in the Bad

It has been a pretty rough couple of weeks on the farm. Sometimes, life has this way of comin' up and kickin' ya in the back of the knees. Then, just when you start to straighten yourself up; another blow. We are just about two weeks into bottle feeding our newest pups. This is not for the faint of heart, the giver-uppers, or the quitters. 'Round the clock 2 to 3 hour feedings. Worrying about every tiny weight loss and celebrating every tiny weight gain. Too warm, too cold? What if this, what if that??? Keeping up with regular chores has become what seems like an impossible task. Not to mention completing school lessons, extra curricular activities, holiday gatherings, play practice, and the day job for our Farm Boss. I'm pretty sure our kids were beginning to wonder if we were even going to have Christmas at our house. 😄 It's been hard. It's been really hard. Our days and nights have muddled together. I've forgotten what day it is the majority of the time and I stare blankly at the calendar hoping for a day with a lighter load. We have bypassed tired and went straight into exhaustion. We've been impatient, gruff, dazed, and even unkind. There have been tears. Free flowing tears, quiet, alone tears, and fighting back tears. But in the midst of it all there's been grit, tenacity, perseverance, and team work. There have been days where we've had to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. There have been days where one of us had to talk the other away from the "edge". Nights when we let the other one sleep and take that feeding shift alone because we could tell without asking, just how drained the other one really was. Our kids have seen true teamwork. Actually they've very much been a part of it themselves. They've seen determination and a don't give up attitude. So in the midst of this trying time, there is good. There's good in the bad. Because God is good and He is good all the time, regardless of the situation He allows us to be in. It's been a lesson in trust and faith. I don't tell you all these things to seek sympathy, but to encourage you to see that in the hardest of times, can be the best of times. You see, in all this chaos, the Farm Boss and I were able to go Christmas shopping together. That hasn't happened in a while! In all this chaos we've been able to work on being more patient and understanding. In all this chaos, our dryer broke AGAIN, but the Farm Boss and I enjoyed a meal out and quality time together at the laundromat. By the way... two adults, four kids, and five little puppies equals thirteen loads! But in only a few hours we were all caught up and I can't hate that! 😉 In all the chaos, we're experiencing a new, exciting phase as parents of a sweet daughter and her first boyfriend. (When did we get old enough for that to happen?!) So much good happening in what some might only see as bad.  Tomorrow is going to be good. It's our long awaited, church Christmas service. Our kiddos will be a part of telling others about the birth of Jesus. For that I am most excited. To see others be blessed and to be blessed ourselves in all this chaos. Now that's good. HE is good, and He works ALL THINGS out for the good of those that love God and are called according to His purpose. If we cross your mind in the coming days, a prayer would be appreciated. We'll keep at it, with a hopeful attitude, remembering the goodness of God and the many blessings He allows us even in the "bad".

And then, just maybe, it won't be too many more days and I can manage to feed my ever-patient family something besides pizza or sandwiches. 😄 

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