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Weekly Farm Report

This being our first ever farm report, we want to give you a quick overview of all the things going on at the farm currently. We've had our candle burning at both ends lately and actually, it seems it'll be that way for, oh, probably always. But the work is rewarding and satisfying. Let's take a look around the homestead!

Our chicken coop is made from an old, neglected shed. What's great about this is that we had it just sitting behind a property in town. So, rather than buying something new or building it from the ground up, which would've been quite costly, we put some major love, and blood, sweat (so much sweat) and tears into it and it's looking really good. The inside is framed the way we want and the chicken wire is up. We've got some trim work to finish on the outside and a few finishing touches I really want to add. (Because even a chicken coop should be cute!) Then, this little red hen house will be ready for tentants. Now, the coop has been put on hold for a bit. There's been some random chores here and there to tend to, plus, we still have everyday life to keep up with. But here's another reason...

Puppies! Yep, one of our girls will be due shortly. Preparing for this is something that's been on our to-do list for too long. So, it was crunch time. After a lot of thought and searching out store bought options, the Farm Boss worked his magic and come up with a great plan for a whelping area. With his Dad's help, they knocked it out in an afternoon. We're so pleased with how it turned out; stronger and sturdier than any store bought option for sure. Bonus!... the cost was about half the price of the store bought pens we were looking at. Now we just wait for the puppies!

Glad to have you'ns stop by and visit! Don't forget to follow us on Facebook. Until next time, we're back to work.

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